Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I think i got a pretty good deck, what oher things can i do to improve it?
well ther isn't much you could really do exept make it beat down because there is no real theme to it pretty much put every card that has high attack but swithches to defense after attacking but to stop this youse final attack orders
Caught stealing from Walmart?
I'm a minor and was caught stealing from Walmart. Don't tell me it was dumb, I know. I had A LOT of stuff. Probably 100-150 dollars worth. My mum said they told her they weren't pressing charges and I would just have to pay restitution and I would receive a letter about that in the mail. Does that mean I'll just have to pay for what I took? Or will there be extra charges I'll have to pay for, like fines? And since they didn't press charges and the police didn't come or anything does that mean I don't have to go to court? I am young and it is my first time.
How human beings are exposed to mercurry toxicity?
Well you see, for a long time all the big city lights were mercury vapor bulbs. And when they were changed they were dumped in the oceans and other places like the Everglades in Florida. That's why you can't eat the fish caught in and around the everglades. I'm sure these were dissposed of in Lakes and Landfills that contributed to the mercury leaking out of the bulbls. Hope this helps.
How long has the HP/TWI crew been around? Who started it?
harry started it back in may (i think) so it hasnt been that long. then ron and draco (the old one) came (i think)
Well, it sounds as if she could be in labour, though if you have your dates right she is too early. Follow the emergency vet's advice and take her in tomorrow if things are the same. I don't like the sound of the diarrhoea.
Any Transformians in the Hizzouse?
All praise Optimus Prime, who was succeeded by Ultra Magnus who protects us from the treachery of Megatron, now Galvatron by the way, who's greatest trick was to convince the general population that he doesn't exist, thereby making any argument against his existence null and void.
What paintball gun should I upgrade to?
I have A 98c right now. I want to get a new gun within 2 months. So let's get started with what I need out of my gun. I need a gun new or used under 220 I only play woodsball. I need a gun that can give me like 18 bps not much more than that just so I can get out of sticky situations. I need a gun that's stock is pretty good so I don't need to upgrade as much like the 98c. I really only would spent like $50 to upgrade the gun right away. The gun needs to be able to take a beating and easy to clean and maintain. Should fire on a hpa and co2 tank. So I just need a all around good woodsball gun new or used under $220 with little needed upgrades . Links or info were to get them would be great
How long will blacks continue to play the race card?
Even with a black in office, blacks are kicking and screaming over racially equality and comparing the Arizona law to slavery, non-sense if you ask me. Do you feel that blacks are angry that nobody is sympathizing and/or fearing this argument as they once were? It's obvious, ANYONE can achieve their dreams today!!!! Even drug smoking aliens!!! Hooray!!!!!!!
Should I work as a tourist guide in Chernobyl?
Unfortunately there is an exclusion zone around Chernobyl so i think tourism there is a little out of the question. Unless you want to die a horrible death of course.
Can pokemon of the same egg group learn the same type of moves?
this is the entire question because since arbok is in the dragon group i might think that it could've learnt some dragon move such as dragon pulse from gible from wayward cave at least but i am asking other experts to give me a real answer but i am going on my hunch that you can probably teach them dragon moves or else why would arbok be in that group you could just put it on some other random group which is more compatible with it's own type
Would you read a book called "Happily Never After"?
Just adding a sad ending to a book doesn't make it good. It's not like a book with a happy ending is childish, but sad endings make your book "literature." I wouldn't read it, because the stories already been done, hundreds of times, even ones that are comedic. Just because it has a different ending, it is still the same story.
What is a funny/clever way to steal a mattress?
put it in his pocket, i dont know. im bored out of my mind. heads up: ur book is most likely going to suck
I have a hp psc 1300 how do I scan to my computer ?
a href="http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/getstarted/speed.mspx?wt_svl=10073XPHa1&mg_id=10073XPHb1" rel="nofollow"http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/getstart…/a
Why do ripped cd music sound quiet on my iPod?
Every cd that I've ripped on my computer and transfered it to my iPod, the music is very quiet compared to downloaded music, and some downloaded songs aren't quite as loud as others as well. It's very irritating when I'm listening to a quieter song and had to turn up the volume, then a louder song comes on and it's a blast of loudness in my ears!
Were can i buy a kkk robe for halloween?
Um.. its a freaking sheet... make a ghost costume with a freaking point... and expect to get arrested.
Do guys like girls with big T*Ts????
like do guys like them because there big or is it just because there- there?????? and what is it with a girls P*SSY that makes them want it so much???
How much are the mini cards of honus wagner,sherry "magie", lewis (boston-nl),and eddie plank worth?
Their not any name brand nor do they have a specific year on which they were made. On the back of each card it has their name, value, and it says 1910 tobacoo card. all three descriptions are on the top of the card in a red box. The middle has a slite discription of the orginal cards history. all four cards are in fair condition.
I'm having problems with this girl in my school that wants to fight me for no reason...advice?
you are doing the right thing right now DONT let her see its bothering you because thats what she wants if you just ignore her and dont let her know that its hurting you she will get bored with you and move on with bullying someone else dont go to a teacher that will make you seem like a baby who cant handle thier own problems
Is this hidden racism?
im in 8th grade i sit in the back with my friends i was put in the front for a week because i wasnt sitting in my seat i was standing up so first 2 day are cool but the 6th graders are annoying is wednesday and this short fat kid pimples on face light brown hair combed foward very unhygenic wears the same dirty clothes 3 days in a row just very icky says hey yow colored boy to somone perpindicular to me (parallel to him he dosent know im here and the kid is defenseless hes just sorta took that comment so i stand up and say calmly what did you say he was like nothing i say i catch you again and thats your *** so its thursday on the buss im listening to music but for some reason i had the reason to put it on low so i do right before i turn the volume to max all i hear is "WHAT ABOUT THOSE *******" i get up and he think im getting something and i didnt here him i turn and say what did you just say there is like total silence and my friend are like did he just say and it stops and the bus drivers watching me so i cant do anything so i just stare him down and then he just says sorry (thats like hes admiting he said it ) so i say your off for now ***** and i walk off the bus it is now friday i walk to the second stop and i see him i came to hang out with my friends though i see him he said sorry so i will be the bigger person and sternly say im watching you still then his friend or whatever start going like whatever forget about slavery wasnt that big what about wars alot people died in that some im just like **** im gonna fight him its gonna be easy i take off my back pack hoody cellphone and zune and they both start running slow but running so i go like i scared them off finally its over so then guess what happens someones mom goes like who want to pick on me who wants to mess with me she call me the f word and this is bull **** and im telling her what happened and she dosent believe me so some parents are watching me it blows over i guess i go to the principal to tell and the basically interogate me 1-5 period there are 9 periods so 5th period is my lunch so no recess theres a fire most of 6th period 7th period they call me down to guidance apparently they got halve of the ppl on the bus and ALL OF HAVE THE SAME STORY AS ME now the kid that that said get over it said a COMPLETLY DIFFRENT STORY 9th period they call me down and i have to sit i n the front for another week and i have a 2nd bus consequence but i never had a 1st one and the third on i dont go on the bus they say because i intimidated then and i wasnt at ny stop that i get in trouble (PS 2/3rds of counslers social workers and vice principals are italian) and guess what the same thing happened to my bro when he was in 8th grade same counslers/worker and principals and he got in trouble are they tryin to swipe this under the table
What is the name of this step? ATP --> ADP +Pi?
I know this is the utilization of ATP... My quiz review specifically asks for a name of the step. Is there a more specific name?
This is to all believers in one almighty God.?
god is love, and i will do whatever he wants me to do. i will die for him, kill for him, and suffer for HIM. i love god with every fibre of my being.
Is there any way to make the ME ID of my lg chocolate vx8500 to an esn?
its bin flashed to metro pcs's network and in order to transfer my number to it i need an esn of it...problem is it only has the ME ID and they cant use ME ID's so....let me know wup...thanks
Lacrosse Help!!!!!!!!!?
i have a stx proton power on a brine magnum and a warrior evo ti on a warrior krypto pro diamond and i was wondering what head and shaft combination i should do i am a midfielder if that helps...thanks
What to say to someone when their grandfather pes away?
why to write every time the same thing... if he ask for any help ..what help u can giv.. can u bring his grand father back .. no.. so u have already sent the condolense .. then no need to send it again and again..
Im 3 1/2 month pregnant and my stomache isnt hard at all?
For my first pregnancy my did t grow until the last two months. For my first and second pregnancy my belly didn't begin to really fill out and become hard until about the 5th month. In fact, I am 7 1/2 months pregnant now and up until about the 5th month I could suck in my belly mostly and it would appear flat if I laid on my back at 3 1/2 months. It's completely normal, don't worry : )
What are some really bright, vividly colored, exotic fish?
hi, my art teacher is starting this project on fish to raise awareness about endangered aquayic life. she wants us to make paper mache fish. but the thing is its an art cl so she doesnt want to see all black fish or plain fish. so i wanted to do a fish that has bright vivid colors like oranges and neon purples and yellows and emerald greens. im really into this project because i love the sea and i like looking at fish too but i have no idea what fish i shoul make. any ideas? thanks so much!
Recording from a Microphone?
I've built a makeshift recording studio in a small office in my home and have tried recording audio (voice-overs for videos) using an expensive microphone. I have the pop filter. I have the microphone. I record into a laptop (using sound recorder). But although the recording sounds great, every now and then my speech sounds like I am holding my nose. Then, the problem goes away. It happens each time so I am not sure how to remedy this problem. Is it the Microphone? Perhaps the laptop? Maybe the way that I am holding the microphone to my mouth? Any istance would be appreciated.
How do I get my dog companion certified as a companion for PTSD?
A friend of mine has the nastiest form of MS. He's losing mobility and going blind. He looked into the companion animal thing and is getting a service animal. He told me that there really isn't much benefit to having a "companion animal" because most places refuse the entry. By law businesses only have to accommodate service animals. Many businesses would be breaking health codes by allowing non-service dogs including certified companion animals.
Please give your opinion on this question:?
Bad grammar and lots of field-specific language; it isn't clear at all what the question is actually asking.
Atheists: Do you have wine or cider in your homes?
I have often heard people say: "Oh! this is only sweet cider; it is perfectly harmless, and even healthful." Several quarts, perhaps gallons, are carried home. For a few days it is sweet; then fermentation begins. The sharp flavor makes it all the more acceptable to many palates, and the lover of sweet wine or cider is loath to admit that his favorite beverage ever becomes hard or sour. Persons may become just as really intoxicated on wine and cider as on stronger drinks, and the worst kind of inebriation is produced by these so-called milder drinks. The pions are more perverse; the transformation of character is greater, more determined and obstinate. A few quarts of cider or wine may awaken a taste for stronger drinks, and in many cases those who have become confirmed drunkards have thus laid the foundation of the drinking habit. For some persons it is by no means safe to have wine or cider in the house.
Is there a limit to my idiocy?
Probably. It's not apparent by this question, but I'll bet you're just messing with people to see what sort of answers you'll get. So it seems to me that you're looking for attention, which isn't idiotic at all.
Monday, August 15, 2011
How do i burn audio and video files onto a DVD that i got from DVD Shrink?
i just put in a DVD and decrypted it with DVD Shrink 3.2 and it gave me 2 files with a bunch of stuff in each one. i was wondering what free down loadable program i can use.
Rate/Fix quickdraw dandywarrior deck!?
For the love of god dont use phoenix balst wing please... Starlight road is not htat good trap stun is a much better card to use this format. Limitreverse shoulnt be used call of the haunted is better. Id also go 3 avarice and 2 MST. Synchron explorer isnt nessary replace them with caius. Also the winning builds this format use volcanic shell over morphing jar and night ailent
Gamo Shadowmatic (Shadow 1000)?
Hi, i recently got a gamo shadow matic which is a shadow 1000 with a magasine. I am looking to do some hunting with it but i dont realy know what its capable of. I was wondering if anbody has had any experience with this gun then what did you shoot with it what were your methods and pellets of choise. The other thing i was wondering is what scope you would recomend for it. Thanks
C'mon be a doll and answer?
He is just being civil with you, because he wants to move on with his life, and not be bogged down with resentment towards you.
Flight Time from PHL or AVP or to OKC?
I will soon be traveling to Oklahoma City. I will be flying out of either PHL(Philadelpiha International Airport), AVP(Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport), ABE(Lehigh Valley International Airport) to OKC(Will Roger World Airport[Oklahoma City]). How long will this flight be?
The difference between Epi Lasik and Intralase lasik (bladeless lasik)?which type for commercial pilot?
Well I want to become an air pilot for commercial planes, but its only my vision which is a bit low so which type of lasik do you recommend me so as I can p my pilot Cl 1 medical examination successfully?
Jarryd hayne being rated one of the greatest players ever?
i dont understand he has had a consistent career but has only played great in the last eight games and on origin appearances,whereas players like lockyer has been on top for more than ten seasons.whats your thoughts????
You need to change the order, of you're essay and to me it seems like you are going from one subject to another, I guess you could say just jumping around. Check for run-on sentences.
I have taken my hijab off but the only thin I want is to be is a good muslim.?
I have taken it off... because... I dont know, maybe its vanity or whatever... this seems like the stupidest thing ever, but it was over a guy I liked. I just lost ight of all my principles and fell so deep. Anyway, when taking if off, it was a huge step for me, like I felt like I had just left the house stripped or something. Everyone knew me before this to be a respectable girl, now they look at me like im going off the rails or something due to the way I dress. There's nothin I want more from this life, but to be a good muslim. I know Islam is the truth. Its just the issue with the scarf. I know if it doesnt suit me and I wear it, you get more reward, but all this doesnt seem to encourage me. And when people try giving me hijab lectures, like I get so frustrated, because I know what they are saying. Infact those words are etched into my brain, and these people are making out like I aint got a clue. It also fustrates me when my sisters compare me to my cousins who ahve kept there hijabs on since forever, and are masha'allah doing well in their studies, words such as 'I respect them for not changing'... and 'there shareef'. It just does somthing to me, wether its jeleousy or what, I dont know. I feel like, 'how the hell do you know whats in my heart'.. and just because a person doesnt wear the scarf doesnt mean there bad people. The sad thing is... I want to wear it. Its almost a battle whithin me, one side pulling me to wear it and forget people mocking me thinking 'make ur mind up' and 'oh she's have it off in a years time'... and the other sides telling me 'u dont suit the scarf, your job contradicts everything about islam so whats the point wearing it, ur making urself look stupid''.. etc. Hope I made sense.
Why is my ipod touch screen going crazy????r=1265523990?
tonight i was just sitting on the couch and i took my ipod out and all of a sudden my screen started to go crazy and there were like 3 screens on there. its all twitchy. i dont know whats going on
Is my speach being affected by smoking marijuana?
i feel like my brain cant think words quick enough, i studder, people tell me i mumble, and to speak up sometimes, people say WHAT?! Alot... And i feel like im talking in a very monotone voice with no emphasis or emotion what so ever. Help???!? Anyone. And i rap so i need help asap.
Can't burn ShowBiz 2 production onto DVD. Any ideas? !~~~Please Help Project Due Thursday~~~!?
Alright, we just bought a recorder, it came with an editing program (ShowBiz 2) when I try to burn the finished profuct onto my discs. (DVD+RW) I fall, in fact its not even an option on where to burn product too. My only option is the Hard Drive. So when I try to dl to hard drive, when it is authenticating, it says it has encountered an error and aborts. I suspect that the reason I can't burn to the disc is because all I have is CD-RW drive and DVD drive. Do I need to add a piece such as DVD-RW or DVD+RW? IT is completely edited and I need help, as it is stated in title, project is due thursday and I'm out of ideas :/, Thanks in advance, any help is highly appreciated.
Is a GSX-R 600 a good bike to start on?
You're not going to find a gixxer in much of a different price from an R1. They are pretty much in the same price range, but honestly I'm 6'0" and 230 and a 600cc is too small for me.
What is the best way to find people to cycle with?
I am new to the road cycling world. As a kid I did BMX, and was pretty good winning a few races. Later I worked at a Skate/bike shop and I got into mountain biking. At the time i was a sponsored skate boarder, by the shop I worked at. Now, I'm hitting my 30's and I started liking the road cycling. The only thing is I am out all alone daily. I have searched for clubs in Roswell GA, and I have hit up all the local bike shops. One of which holds a big road bike race every year. I find more snobs in this sport than the others. People just loved to get together. First I need someone that bikes at my speed, and then I also want people I like to cycle with. What is the best way to find a club or to find cyclist at my level?
Gauss's law Problem, please help!?
The only problem I could possibly see is that the rectangular box does not have cylindrical symmetry. I believe that Gauss's Law requires both objects have the same symmetry. If you did an electric field test on the rectangular box would the charges come out the same?
Last week i posted a "question" asking all u lovely people to sponsor my girls and i 4 cancer research!!
Two days after posting my question asking 4 sponsors,YAHOO contacted me `twice` bless `em,informing me that my "question" had been removed because it was OFFENSIVE & ABUSE??????????/ How?????? my girls and i are doing the Race For Life on June 17th,only good can come from this, Two weeks ago i was contacted by a charmer called DEREK ,who thought it a good idea to display his womans ,(fuul frontal)inserting a up herself,and asking if id like to join them?? MY KIDS USE THIS COMPUTER, THAT FILTHY PIGS SITE IS still on 360(for all of u who want to see it) and me raising money for charity is ABUSIVE ?? I think YAHOO should get their priorities right ....Who agrees..........................???
Im in love with him already??
At thirteen, "love" is a hugely impossible word to use. I know infatuation (a huge crush) feels like love because it is SO intense, all-encomping and pionate, bit it is ALSO temporary. At your age, your hormones are having a field day and you're coming into an age of fertility, so you're naturally realizing the attractiveness of men in a way that is different from when you were younger. The intensity will fade, I promise. Real love is an unconditional decision made every day you wake up: a decision to forgive, support and adore. It is real, sometimes it is difficult, and it is years and years ahead of you. For now, you may just need to feel heartbroken. At 17, this boy has an emotional capacity far beyond yours, and a maturity you haven't reached yet. It's like a little girl having a crush on her daddy, practically. So for now? Accept that he has a relationship, respect his relationship, and stand back and admire the view. Realistically, you'll never get any more than that with this one. Better luck next time.... and in four years.
My mail person is a whiner?
Ignore it. Or leave her a note. I have a mail person that constantly gripes about my outgoing mail at work. I just smile at her and tell her that I will be happy to drop it off at the post office. She says "no, i'll take it" everytime. I want to just scream at her, 'then quit complaining!'
Ever heard of a health plan denying coverage for a certain diagnosis to a certain age group? Civil rights?
You can keep appealing their decision. Get your doctor to state the acne is a symptom of the polycystic ovaries and not just plain acne. While I agree their policy is wrong, it is in your policy which when you subscribed you agreed to abide by it. Just keep fighting for the coverage. Our insurance co. originally refused to pay for my husband to have his teeth cut out because it was cosmetic. We fought it by having his dentist and doctors submit proof it was for health reasons. We won the appeal and they paid.
I need advice for my future.. careers, family, ect.. ?
OK, so I'm going into high school this year. I am quite smart. I am 2 years ahead in math, 1 year ahead in english, and 1 year ahead in science. I took a few high school cles in middle school. I would actually like to become a police officer, then a homicide detective, when I am older. Many people tell me I am too smart to be a police officer, and I should be something else that I can really use my brain for. I would actually really like to be an obstetrician more than a police officer/homicide detective. But an obstetrician must go to college for a very long time, and me and my family can not afford for me to go to college that long. I am going to go to college no matter what I do, I don't really have a choice. I also don't want to go to college very long because I really want to have children, but at a rather young age. I don't want to try to raise a child while I am in college, because I know it will be very difficult and expensive. But I want to start my family early, and not be having children when I'm in my 30's. Do you think I will be able to take college cles in high school and get a head start for college and be able to finish earlier? And I'm still not sure what I want to be, a police officer or obstetrician, or maybe something else. I'm really not sure.
What the best school to go if i want to go to baylor medical school?
ok i dont have the best acadamic carrer but next semester i am moving out what would be the best school to go here in texas if i want to go to baylor medical school?
Do the terms "conservative" and "liberal" really mean anything anymore in American politics?
If you want to read a very perceptive ysis of what distinguishes conservatives from liberals, read anything by George Lakeoff.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
When when we are sick should we let nature or medicin cure us?
If your medicine is an unknown substance, get a new doctor, now. Nature gave us big brains capable of inventing medicines, as well as the discretion to know when we need medicine and when we don't. I think you're polarizing your points to a needless degree.
Malibu and milkkk ? ?
Can you just use like semi skimmed milk or will it curdle ? because i dont want to waste any booze :o)
Does this name flow ok?
Aw, I really like that name...Marklyn is pretty and unique...and Im partial to Grace cuz its my moms name, lol..so I like the flow of the name. Good choices!
What was Samantha's moms name on bewitched?
What one or you referring too. Are you referring to the movie with Nicole Kid man or to the TV series that was on in the early 60's. If you are referring to both. Sam's mom name was Endora. She was the meddling mother - in - law from hell. She always made Darren's life a living hell. She was always turning him to something.
I want to mess with her but not hurt her?
I was prank called and I have figured out it was the girl I like. I want to tell her I know it was her cleverly like done any good prank calls lately or pull the same prank on her but I don't want to be sound mean or accusing, she has low self esteem and she can be easily sadend. Any help
Anyone had healing from disc trouble in back by taking Glucosamine, congrutin and MSM mixture you buy ?
I know someone who had a disc trouble. He says that eating red meat like beef (cooked) had helped him.
Was The Germans Final Solution Actually Written by Jews?
You shouldn't post this on the sabbath. Jewish people don't even murder children on the sabbath. Post it again next week please. Oh please do, I'd give anything to see what kind of response you get.
Psp web connection?
Ok. I have this problem with the connection.I go to web browser. Then i hvae to create a connection. There are four options. I press Enter manually/ What's SSID? And then WLAN security serring do I press none?Wep? WPA-PSK(TKIP)? or WPA-PSK(aes)/Then address setting Easy?or custom?Then connection name?Whats that? I onlt have ADSL.
How do you get over stage fright?
I'm in the choir too, and something that helps me get over my stage fright is that I erase my mind from everything except the words of the song. If you mess up or anything, just play it off right like if nothing happened.
Flight 3407 Clarence Center, NY. (serious answers only)?
Not sure, I do know that I found it odd, I had a dream the night before about being on some plane and it crashing because of some problems with the wings so it couldn't stay up in the air. It kept going up and down in struggle before crashing . Course Im not one to fly in real life since im terrified of planes.
R&P how do you all feel about Tilly and the Wall?
They are pretty good. I really liked "Pot Kettle Black". I will definitely have to look Tilly & The Wall up more. Thanks for the links. =)
Why NFL players always say they don't know what the problem is after their team continues to lose?
i remember micheal jordan when he was playing with the washington wizards. after a hard lost,he went off and name players who were not playing.lol the nfl should do the same.the fans want to know and the tickets are to high to see a bunch of fakers. what do you thimk?
mmm...don't really like it, if it didn't have the detailed thing down the middle then maybe. It would look ok on the way you described yourself but if you are worried about your shoulders then maybe put your hair down or wear a shrug over you shoulders.
Does anyboy think WWE should make all the superstars free agents and do a new draft? (More Inside) + 2 BQs?
Yes, that would be nice for them to revamp the rosters. Maybe they could have the same number of headliners on both shows.
The JW's! Is it true al the stuff about links with masons etc?
Your family shuns you over a belief? I don't know that much about the JW's beliefs but If my family shuned me over a belief,I'd disown them quick.Religious leaders from all religions keep things hidden from their people.The whole truth should be put out there for all to see and allow the people to decide what is what not hidden away from them.
My mouse is locked to the center of screen in battelfield 2?
It sounds like the game expects you to be using a joystick to move around, or it might be a compatibility problem... check to see if the game is compatible with your operating system and run it in compatibility mode if it isn't.
How come minorities both conservatives and socialists get blamed for socialist programs when it was invented?
No one should get "blamed" for socialism. It is the inevitable destiny of humanity and we simply have to evolve ourselves into it. Socialist pioneers deserve our respect, whatever their social cl.
If someone calls me block will their state be on my bill?
well my parents got on me about the different states and cities that calls are beiing made to and beiinq recieved from so i want my friends to block their calls cause i dont wana loose touch plus im 17 they need to qet over it
My girlfriend can not let go of the past!!?
Wow she can't possibly be mad at you for that, #1 you weren't together, #2 she went and slept with someone else, so it is YOU not her who has the right to be mad about that. I think you need to TELL her how much that hurt you, and you need to explain that she has no right to try to rub that in or bring it up! because that is a double standard
Does any say Carrie Fisher's real name in Star Wars?
I hear a while ago that someone had said "Carrie" in a scene of one of the 3 original Star Wars movies, rather than saying Leia. Anyone know if that's true and what movie/scene it's in?
Well judgement day was crap?
vince hasn't gotten any of my money since wrestlemania 18. when morrison, swagger, and benjamin are on your ppv card, you've got problems. not to mention big slow v. john cena nuff.
"Eighties murder conviction quashed". Should this now be the end of the "Bring Back Hanging" debate?
So a few innocents die think of all the guilty ones that we can get rid of. Obviously God had something against the innocently imprisoned in the first place.
Women in Combat how do they stack up?
Being a female currently at war, I believe we do our job as we were taught just like males who fight by our side. But not just speaking for me but for my fellow sisters at arms who kick *** everyday as drivers, gunners, vehicle and convoy commanders we put our mission first. I have and will pull the trigger of any weapon I have without hesitation when it is necessary. There is no time to "play" war when you are overhere and lives are at stake. We do not sit by anymore and just fix the men (unless that is our job). We fight with our brothers. But please note that this war is not faught like Vietnam. We have different missions over here in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know I pull my weight, I have fired rounds, drove and I do what I need too. Sorry for operational security reasons I can not be more specific. But trust me, we kick *** and get down and dirty like we were trained to do. There are no female soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guardmens or marines. We are simply soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, cost guardmens. We do what we signed up to do. Whether we serve the United States, Austrailia, England, Ughanda, or etc. I am honoredto serve and I will not quit or come home until my mission is complete. But I will make the enemy die for his country if I am needed to.
Bangladeshi Craigslist posters are being ghosted?
anyone know how to help bangladeshi freelancers not get blocked posting my ads on craigslist. every single ad they post is ghosted. ive tried having them use proxies but its not working. any help tech guys?
I have a computer microphone question?
Whenever I record myself on the computer with my microphone the sound comes out really scratchy and isn't that clear and the microphone always makes a loud screetching sound. Is this because I have a cheap microphone? The brand is a Labtec, and I think I paid like $15 for it. My speakers are about $25, and they're cyber acoustics. I like to record myself singing or rapping, but it always is scratchy. Is there a good recording studio I can download for free to prevent the scratchiness? Do I need to invest in a good set of speakers or microphone? Please help.
Can someone suggest me a good baseball glvoe?
I need a baseball glove for highschool level. I play infield and pitcher, so i need a glove that covers these positions. Any suggestions?
This is more of a statement than a question on the burning of the Quran?
I am an American Christian who does not support the burning of the Quran. I have no idea why this crazy priest thinks that we should commemorate Sept. 11 by burning the Quran. I guess that he doesn't know that hundreds of muslims also lost their lives on that fateful day. Does this idiot realize that he is messing up alot of relations that we have with the muslim community? All that I am saying is that not every American supports this at all. I find it to be cowardly to insult another religious group in such a way. If he feels the need to piss the muslims off then maybe it would be best for him to go to a muslim country and try to practice burning the Quran.
Question about Gwyneth Paltrow in Glee?
I find it quite surprising that Gwyneth Paltrow is in Glee because she is an A list film actress. I would have thought she's a bit too big for it. This isn't really a question more of a comment really.
Hypoglycemia and anxiety?
well if you do have hypoglycemia it can cause you to p out if you dont eat. it means that your blood sugar is always low so when ever you feel shaky and out of it have a snack or sumthing.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
How can I get my printer to work?
I have windows vista and an h.p. f380 printer, it just won't print, have trouble shooted, reinstalled...everything, what can I do...can't really afford to get an expert in.Has been temperamental for about a year, now won't work at all....thanks.
I want to find my half brother and my dad. where do i look? i dont want to pay anything.?
my mom and dad divorced when i was 2 or 3. i haven't seen him since. his name is Norman Chavis. i think. i also want to find my half brother. his name is Christopher Antonio Fields i have all of his information. i have tried to find him everywhere, no luck. the only free places are facebook and myspace but there are like a gazillion matches. and i don't want to pay anything, i don't want my mother knowing im doing this. so if yall have any websites i can go to that is free. please let me know. or if you know these ppl. im dieing here lol : ) thanxx. <3
What do think about people who celebrate when their own country loses an olympic bid and hates it when a?
wanting your president to fail because of different political views equals ultimate patriotism according to Republicans
Is Biocentrism more philosophy than theory?
I've been reading up a lot on a so-called theory referred to as Biocentrism, the premise of which is essentially that the universe is a byproduct of life rather than the other way around; i.e., life came first, then through consciousness, and perception came the universe. I'm always open to new theories, but the more I read and think about it, the more it seems to be more of a philosophy than a theory. Btw, this is NOT the same as intelligent design; It is a scientific hypothesis, as far as I understand.
Who sings the techno version of Time after Time by Cyndi Lauper. its sung by a girl.?
There are alot of different people/groups who have done remakes of that song...but i think u are talking about the group called ...NOVASPACE? - They (she) does a good upbeat techno version of that song... hope that's the one u are lookin for! :-)
I need a semi-dressy dress for Christmas choral concert ?
Honestly, try walmart. They have the CUTEST clothes lately. Or old navy! I wish I could just like take you shopping and show you what I mean, but try to find a cute sweater dress. Higher neck for the not-so-hoochy-ness..and I'll betcha that you can even find a pale color on sale since it's winter. Best of luck, sing pretty! :)
Is it weird to be 23 and never have a boyfriend?
Honey why won't you consider on-line dating? If I could do it anyone can. I was very very shy but I put myself out there and eventually I got to be pretty good at it. You have to take a risk. You're already miserable and far too young to be hopeless.
Which groups of people like Che Guevera? Which groups dislike him?
humberto fontova wrote an excellent book called exposing the real che guevarra. i suggest you check it out. che was directly responsible for the murder of untold numbers of cuban dissidents. he was castro's executioner. the only people who like him are the ones who bought into the communist propaganda.
Ugghhh i need to learn new skate tricks but dont now any?
Was Paula Poundstone's comedy career shortened due to erroneous gossip?
She was reportedly driving under the influence with four kids in the car, but all I heard on the news at the time was she ually molested some children and I never heard that the charges of lewd conduct were dropped by prosecutors. Sounds just like unsubstantiated gossip to me.
Do people consider the poor?
I was watching 3 people climb into a little gl box, and they contorted themselves to get in, and they managed it, then an even thinner presenter (he looked anorexic, actually, his skin-tight pants made his legs look like he was standing on his arms, i'm not exaggerating!) and I thought to myself, what a dreadful shame, that people should waste their time with such utterly pointless exercises! I considered how many poor/starving and emaciated people and children there are in the world, when my eye caught my dinner plate, which contained a portion of steaming hot lasagne, some sushi on the side, guacamole and garlic and herb baguette...and I felt so guilty. Am I going mad, or am I being called to DO SOMETHING!! what, if anything, do you do??
What if the adult children who's parents tried to extort money out Michael Jackson came forward and...?
...admtted that it was all a lie? Seriously, there was never any conviction...and remember, the last family was exposed for trying to even extort Jay Lenno, and the father in the first family was extremely jealous because there was a custody battle and his ex and children were spending a lot of time with Michael! Honestly, no snide remarks, please...just tell me how you would really feel. thanks!
Really could use some help with this physics problem?
An 1048 kg airplane starts from rest and accelerates forward for 8 s until it reaches its takeoff speed of 24 m/s. What is the average forward force on the airplane during this time? _________kN
Staining an old barn beam for mantel?
I have recovered an old barn beam, which may be alder, which I have cut to be my new mantel. The beams were found being dirty, so I have hand sanded much of the dirt away as well as some of the outer surface. Still, the surface is very weathered and rustic looking. I plan on staining the wood then sealing. I was given some partially used cans of stain made by Campbell and the product is Woodsong II. The back of the can says that I have to apply onto "new" wood. The wood that I would be working with is definitely not new, but very weathered. Can I still apply this stain? Any other suggestions?
Effects of ADHD pill on non-ADHD person?
I've always heard you just get a high feeling and/or you can't sleep (like your friend says). However, I don't know the exact effects, nor the addictiveness. Try google :P
Can a US petitioner already here adjust Greene Card while awaiting for Immigrant Visa to be current ?
My question regarding US Immigrations particularly on Greene Card issue. In short I want to know if there is a possibility staying while waiting for my immigrant visa to be current ?
Chances at colleges.?
Make very good on the S.A.T. score. And, try to be in the upper 10% of your cl. You might like to look and find out what colleges are good for the arts and writing. Good luck!
Help with building an electric guitar?
I'm going to build a guitar with a Gibson neck im going to order and stain, and a solid cherry body, which will be stained / designed also. So, there begins the questions. Could someone explain where I would place the bridge so that the sound comes out correctly, where a cheap place is to buy good quality parts, (i think i already found a site for that but cross checking can't hurt), and possibly some dimensions for the guitar. I think i am going to do most of the work on the guitar but have a woodworking cl at school put in some of the finer details and a friend draw on the back and then seal that on with varnish. Any help would be great, thanks
Child custody battle in one week. Please help, my ex husband in a manipulator!?
Ok so I have court in 6 days. It is to finalise my divorce and establish custody and a parenting plan of my 18 month old son. We seperated when he was 5 months old and our son has always resisded with me. My ex has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and was just arrested 2 weeks ago for a DUI. However he is trying to get custody of my son and says he took pictures of bruises on his leg and is going to use them against me to prove me as an unfit mother. I love my son to death! I would never harm him or let anyone harm him. I work full time and he has his own room and everything he needs. I also take him to all doctor and dentist appts and cut his nails and toe nails because his dad wont do any of it. Also he did'nt want custody until he found out he was going to have to pay child support. His girlfriend is 18 years older than him and he is roomates with her son. My son would'nt even have his own room if he lived with his father. I'm a little nervous because hes a good liar and He has threatend me with those pictures ans he is having his pot head friends go to court and lie for him to say terrible things about me. What is your input? Any help would be great! Thank you.
When do you eat sauerkraut?
I know you eat it with sausage, and on Reuben sandwiches, but does it ever get eaten on New years? My family does this, and I was wondering if it was a German or Pennsylvania Dutch tradition. Thanks!
Loosing wieght for cheerleading?
okay well ive been cheering for 7 years.im a freshman. rec for 6 allstars for 1. i dont like rec as much as i like all stars so im going to do cheertyme.i am a flyer. have been for my whole life. i am not super self concious (even tho my boyfriend thinks i am) i wear a size 00 in jeans always extra small. im 5 foot 2. i think im kinda skinny but not fat. i wiegh about 105. that is heavy for a flyer! and i wanna tone my abbs a little bit (i had an accident with my back that involved 3 weeks laying in a hospital bed and i gained a little wieght) but i am fine now fully able i can tumble pretty well standing handspring and tuck roundoff tuck and roundoff handspring and roundoff handspring tuck (epic fail) but i already kno how i am going to get more tumbling for this squad. im afraid i will be a base or backspot for CT and i cant base or backspot...ive tried. i can only fly. and i only want to be a top girl. so i want to loose weight, but in a healthy way! i usually eat whatever i want which is a lot and i never gain wieght but i should eat healthy. everyday for lunch i have 2 yogurts chocolate milke and a sub with everything on it. and i also want to tone my legs and abb muscles, because my boyfriend is a football player and hes ripped, weve been together since we where babies! we love eachother very much, but i want to maintain my girlish figure hahha jp :P but for him and for me.. so if u have any good healthy wieghtloss plans and toning workouts and food ideas please let me kno(: thanks in advance
Whats the answer to puzzel number 94?
the puzzel i am talking abot is on a nintendo ds video game.it is called:professor layton and the curious village.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Would Kim Jong Il meet any Egypt-style protests with wholesale slaughter?
If North Korean citizens were to organize in protest against their dictator in the same way that the Egyptians have done, do you think Kim would show restraint in dealing with them, or unleash the military in wholesale slaughter of the protesters (including dropping bombs), in order to make an example of them? My guess is the latter. If that evil regime goes so far as to "re-educate" any dissenters, it wouldn't surprise me if they would meet any extreme defiance with murder. If you believe the same, do you think it's possible that such a thing has already happened and not been made known to the international media? North Korea is the most closed-off, secretive nation on the planet, and it wouldn't shock me if such an incident has happened, at least on a small scale, and been hushed up. Kim has all that military power and has no respect for the citizens of his country.
What to do when bored?!?
A plain boring field sounds like the perfect place to take your dog. Maybe you could take a Frisbee or tennis ball along or something. If the heat is a problem, you could do it early in the morning or wait until the sun is setting. Also, you could read. There are tons of great books out there. If you can't buy them, go to a library. Spending a couple of hours at the library is one of my favorite things to do.
Why do I get board with my looks?
I was more confident but I'm getting board with my looks and looking at myself. I know Iam a guy and shouldn't worry to much about this but why am I so less confident with myself. My mom says it's because I have a pimple problem lol but I just got a haircut that this model had and I ended up looking good just like him but than the next day it was just normal. I mean it looked good and clean but no matter what I do I can't live up to my expectations like I've been on a diet this past three days but all I've really eatin or drink was welches 100% g juice and peas. Why cant I just be happy with myself all the time and why do I feel so unsecure.
I Need Help On My Head....please ?
beach ball and paper mache, for sure. Mau5 heads are pretty big, yuhknow. And you can paint it easier if it is paper mache. I'd make a black one, if it was me ^_~
How do you stop someone who wants to give you charity?!?
I understand but i think you are being selfish. Someone is trying to help you and you are being greedy and casting it aside. There is nothing wrong with getting help. And honestly if you do not want it donate to the less fortunate...
WDYT of my boyfriend's favourite names?
Well he's pretty awesome for liking Greta. I love Brody and Eric and lots of the others, he seriously has good taste!
I have a bloated stomach but im not fat please help!!!?
you need to start eating meals that are healthy for you because it will catch up to you later cuz it did with me..and exercise or get outside and move for at lease 60 minutes a day!
Song has been stuck in my head, cant find lyrics online?
u can use the song ID feature on ur phone. if u have at&t u can dial #ID on ur phone n when they tell u 2 hold the music up to the phone and they'll send u a text with the song name and artist
What happens if carernet sauvignon is over-fermented?
I have a bottle of cab sav that says "regrigerate after opening". It was stored at room temperature and now it smells like vinegar. Is it bad? can it be cooked with?
Flights of Wine?
May I suggest a Gewurztraminer for dessert(it is sweet and refreshing) A Cabernet Franc for the main course (it is very bold yet not as well known; be different, and finally, a Semillon which will fulfill most palates for taste and its extreme fruity complexity.
KKK pictures, can you believe people like this still exist?
a href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/america-unmasked-the-images-that-reveal-the-ku-klux-klan-is-alive-and-kicking-in-2009-1625732.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/…/a
Where did the phrase tattle tale come from?
I'm not completely sure, but it seems like it might have come from an animal's tale giving them away. For example, a cat is hiding under the bed, but you find her because her tail is sticking out. Not sure if that is right, but it makes sense. Good question!
Can somebody give me a full review of Mimic: Sentinel?
I missed the first part of this movie on TV. It looks decent but I'm confused. Can somebody fill me in on what I missed. I have been looking for a full synopsis online but they all suck. They allude to some "big secret" but I can't figure out what it is. I've got about 30 minutes left to watch.
Can anyone tell me anything about being a Navy Corpsman?
I'm interested in becoming a corpsman in the USN and I just want a little information from people who have done it or know people who have done it. I have explored navy.com, but i want some inside info. What's the training/process like? Is every corpsman guaranteed to see combat? Any information is appreciated. Thanks!
Want to challenge me on mario kart WII?
Please challenge me i want to see the skills of you people out there do you dare to challenge toad my code is 2621-6110-3876 IMPORTANT!!! YOU NEED TO POST YOUR WII CODE TO CHALLENGE ME POST IT NOW!!! IF YOU DONT KNOW WHERE TO FIND IT GO ON YOURE MII COSOLE THEN GO ON YOURE MARIO KART CHANNEL (YOU CAN ALSO ACSES IT THROUGH THE WFC SCREEN THEN IT WILL SAY FRIENDS THERE YOU WILL FIND YOUR CODE CHALLENGE ME NOW if you want to of course i am new to mario kart but it would still be fun anyways
Iphone bluetooth?
hey im thinking of buying an iphone but i've heard that the bluetooth on it can not be used to send or recieve things from other phones becasue of DRM issues so if anyone has one can you send things between iphones and other phones? thanks for anyone that can help:)
I am having trouble getting my dog to eat?
I use to feed my dog the royal canin puppy food and when he had two teeth pulled i had to switched him to soft food (Cesar's) he loved it and never wanted the dry food again. I went on vacation about two weeks ago and when I came back I could not get him to eat the food, so i brought the beneful prepared meals and he loved them for a while then he refuse to eat it. I then give him the chef michael's canned food and it was the same as the beneful meals. I just switched him to puppy chow dry food and he loved it at first but now he will go all day without eating and will only eat it as a last resort. My friend swears they didn't give him table food while I was gone and neither do I but it worries me that he doesn't eat because he is only a 7lb maltese/yorkie mix. Sorry this is so long.
How can i strike more batters out soon?
If you change the eye level of the batter and the speeds of or pitches the whole game then you should be tieing the batters in knots the whole game... like throw a change then fast
Why is Pakistan so dirty?
Shane has a point there.....plus there's a lack of education in most people,naturally where theres a lack of education, theres a lack of manners...plus the government never gives a d**n to anything, theyre so busy in filling their bags, they dont have time to think for the country....btw the literacy rate is improving day by day, so InshaAllah things'll improve
Call of Duty Black Ops Thoughts?
Well i play Modern Warfare 2 as much as the next guy (probably more) and i've logged more than my fair share a play time. From what i ve seen Black Ops is looking really good. Looking at multiplayer the wager matches are a needed change of pace from kill fest TDM and objective games like Search and Destroy. The recording theatre part is a great addition, ive always wanted to make a gameplay video of a game that i owned at and now i can. The killstreak rewards look great and no nuke which felt amazing to get but very stressfull. more customization on guns red dot sights and emblems is really cool. I am hoping there is some zombie co op mode tho. Finally i want to hear from others about there thoughts. Should i buy the game affter having MW2? there are just some things that need to be fixed and hopefully Black Ops will address those flaws. Whats your take?
Zelda?...The game.?
ocarina of time was my first game and i stilll play it on my n64! i think that for game play its is better then the modern ones (especialy windwaker) but i love twilight princess for its buffer overflow!
I have a family history of heart problems...how can I prevent this for me?
My family has had a history of heart problems and diabetes. I'm 15, 6'0'', and around 200 lbs. (My weight changes a little bit every day) Both my dad and grandpa have had heart problems, and I really don't want that to hit me, or any other generation after me. (thats probably impossible to prevent though) How can I reduce my chances?....I AM an athlete. I practice the art of Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu. I workout everyday except friday. I have a good diet. I hardly ever eat junk food or drink pop/soda.....sooo.......???
I continue to get spam from 'CVision Offers'. Can it be stopped?
Although I hit the spam on everytime, this nickname goes undercover at least 5 times each day to fill my inbox with special marketing offers. Can one Uberspam them for eternal banishment? Seems otherwise they keep boomeranging.
What SUPER EASY sauce recipes do you have for baked fish?
I'm a no fuss no muss kind of cook. I make ceroles and crock pot dinners for me and my four kiddos. I would like to know if there are salad dressings or condiments other than tarter sauce that would be great for baked fish, seared scallops or shrimp. Thanks!
I like the following names: Leila, Nicholas, Zachary, and Joseph. So there, there's some help hopefully.
I like this guy, should i do this?
The best way to ask a guy out in the sixth grade is through non-contact. While you're at the thing, kinda flirt around, without being a slut, more than you have in the past. Maybe he'll drop a hint. But if he doesn't ask you out first, if you have texting, or even a phone, text him about a bunch of stuff and then ask him out. But the worst thing to do is ask your friends to ask him out for you. Then he'll feel really awkward. But if you don't have any of those things, you have a really good plan. But, I think that instead of pulling him away from his friends, you should ask him out face to face right before he is about to leave, or his mom picks him up or something. That way, there is no awkward moment with his friends or you.
What are your opinions on the following names ?
i like elijah and seth is ok i like finn but not finley sawyer is alright but i dont like the girls names
My boyfriend changes completely when drinking alcohol?
It doesn't matter if you two have been together for 3 days or three years. What he did should not be tolerated. Obviously he shouldn't be drinking if he acts violent. He attacked you and broke things. He is using being drunk as an excuse to abuse you. Alcohol is a nasty thing to some peolpe. It is ok in moderation like a social drink every now and then. If someone cannot controll their own behavior, that is a bad sign. You should leave him. I know it is hard because you have been with him for a while. Once he hits you , he wont stop. Like you said, he is much bigger than you. What if he kills you next time? It doesn't matter if he is sorry. He never should have done it. He is a loser. Get rid of him. Mabey he will not do that to the next person he is with, because he will realize this is unacceptable. You are too good for him.
How much is this worth...?
My brother has a Houston Texans 2002 inaugural season football that he's willing to sell. I'm pretty sure it's in mint condition, as he never really cared about it. How much would that be worth? & if we were to put it on eBay (never used eBay before), what should be the starting price?
How can I be more ertive?
I've been being stomped on a lot by my fellow high school mates. For example, this dude me in line at the caf, ppl have been teasing me and these other 2 guys me in line then smirked at me. I got teased enough in junior high and I'm fed up. How can I be less pive without starting fights, because I don't want that.
I think my friend is making the wrong choices? Please help!?
Let her date him. Make a point to never be around when he is going to be around. When she brings him up, change the subject. Don't dis him or tell her not to date him because she will just get mad at you and it wont change a thing if she wants to be with him. If he is a bad guy and she is a good girl she will not be with him long... Just be there for her and if you all are 'true friends' then it wont change you all...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Which muscle component is smallest?
i'm not positive bc i havent heard of A or D but i know that it isnt C. my guess would be E but im not positve bc i dont know about A or D. sorry this probably didnt help. but have a great day!
Can a urine test pick up a possitve at only 2 weeks pregnant. I had 3 tests and all said possitve.?
I just got my blood work back and my hcg level is 75 so it places me at 2 weeks along. My last period was Oct 13th so I don't get it. I thought it would be a bigger number. It does say that non pregnant women have an hcg level of 5 or less. So I am pregnant but the numbers just are not jiving with me.
Song i heard on kmel... idk the title!! Help?
At first when I heard the song, I thought it was by YG because it sounded kinda like Toot it & Boot it. But then as I searched it nothing came up! The lyrics go Lil mama go in, go in, go in, go in lil mama go in... or i think it goes like that because when he said in it sounded more like insh.. Help please!
When will Democrats stop pretending that they are morally better than Republicans?
Just when the liberal left makes it seem like all the public scandals are on the political right (a la' Larry Craig and Mark Foley), along comes guys like Democrat Governor Eliot Spitzer, and Democrat Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick.
Privacy issues with dad?
First off im 10 years old (yes i know very young) anywayss the issue is privacy because mainly my nosy dad just barges in and irritates me so i want a lock on my door for more privacy since i deserve it.My mom promised me if i kept my room clean(we moved it downstairs so when people come over it has to be clean)she would get me a lock meaning next month and this month seems to go by so slow since im anxious for my lock :).A few minutes ago my dad yelled at me for having a slight attitude and i put a chair under my door and get got a hissy fit because if i put the chair under he cant get in.GOD I HATE HIM SO MUCH anyways how to keep him out my room with his nosy self.I know it sounds like a rant but its not i mean every teen-preteen needs some dang privacy so how i keep him out my room my mom agrees with him but when hes not around she is my best friend and she wants to talk crap but in front of him she makes him feel superior but he not he just makes himself scary when he's not :) so please no bad comment this is serious i need privacy whos with me?oh and by the way he has serious issues like controlling :( so yea um tell me who's right and how to keep him out my room srry this so long
Any guys suffer from PRS?
Pre- Rejection Syndrome. For example, you're walking up to a girl to ask her out and when she sees you, she starts singing, "Music is My Boyfriend."
Who originally wrote the "water vomit" song?
You know... the song that subliminally warbles in the background of every network news broadcast and is responsible for the plague of childhood obesity that has turned this once fine nation's children into amorphous slugs, slithering toward the coastlines in a fruitless attempt to escape the insidious subterfuge of traditional American values foisted upon their nubile, innocent minds by the so-called forefathers of this nation, now run by shark-toothed corporate lackwits.
TTC Tips anyone? on our 4 month... off yasmin
my hubby and i are in our 4 month TTC. Off yasmin on April 10th 2008.. had reg period right after .. and ever since. i know that its healthy to conceive up until the 1st year.. but im antsy.. any tips? Im always charting my Ovulation times and do accordingly.. but what gives? both my husband and I are in our late 20's and i was on BC for only 3 years. any tips on how you all were able to conceive quickly? Anyone on yasmin that it took longer than 4 months to conceive.. I would appreciate any help!! :) can't wait to be a mommy!
How do Christians relate to the crucifixion of Jesus?
I believe Scripture backs up the fact that the blood of Jesus is applied at baptism in His name. His blood is shed for remission of sins. This would seem to link baptism and Jesus’ blood together in the work of remission of sins.
Ladies only...Why do I have so much anxiety with and my partner and masturbation?
So I think that you should just tell her about your problem! Trust me if you were doing a bad job in bed she most likely would not be with you! So just think positive and talk with her!
What was your most unusual pet?
my most unusual pet was a worm. when i was little i kept a worm in a jar over night with no wholes in the lid. when i woke up the next morning it was blood all over the jar and the worm was wiggling around. i didnt know they needed air wholes.
From 305 to a 383stroker.?
OK im wanting to build a 383 stroker, with a supercharge and Nos. i have a 350 block. want parts do i need. the motor is going in a 84 CAMARO. and i have a 350 turbo transmission.
What do you do in this situation?
While ice fishing in northern Canada, you are attacked by global warming. Right as you hook a bite, a carbon induced heat blast instantaneously melts the ice you're on, leaving you in freezing water. Global warming also, in that moment, killed your dog and changed you middle name to Francis, at you aren't concerned with that at the moment. In an unusual moment of good fortune you are rescued by two Eskimos riding a whale. Global warming had destroyed their igloos and stolen their supplies and women, so you join forces with them to get revenge on the climate changing jerk. What is your plan of action?
C++ recursive function, can't figure out whats wrong?
Ichigo is right. b1 and b2 never change values, you can't get out of your recursion. ++b1 and --b2 are the parameters you have to p from within reorder to reorder!
Should I go back to 1930 or would I be better off staying here?
I have been researching history and my own family and myself and I've found that so many terrible things are going to happen to me if I stay in 1930. My husband is going to be killed in WWII and my son in Korea. Our house in London is going to be bombed. I'm going to end up penniless and living in squalor after my husband dies and I have to care for our three children. Should I return to 1930 or just stay here? What will that do to the time-space continuum if I don't go back? Since I died in 2005?
In Okami(Wii), There is a tenth stray bead that I am trying to get in Shinshu Field.?
I have never talked to the "Nameless Man" and the door to the Ark of Yamato has already opened. People say just to talk to him and he will cough one up, but he just talks about blossoms and being peaceful everytime! I am ready to go into the screen and choke the vases out of him. Help!!!
I have a question. My husband is leaving for Basic Training on Monday, well, to go down to MEPS and be shipped the next day. He recently gained quite a bit of weight, they told him they would like him to be 184 and he is now 210. I'm not sure if it's because of muscle or what because he has been working out constantly. But, his recruiter told him that if he is too much over weight they can change his MOS. (Carpentry Masonry) and put off his ship date. I know that he can lose a little of the weight before he leaves but I deffinately know he won't meet 184. Is this true? That they can change his MOS? We have reviewed his contract and it says nothing about being able to change his MOS due to weight issues. Please someone inform me, I am extremely worried. Thank you so much.
Where did Pwn come from?
"P" is next to "O" on most keyboards. So the original "pwned" was a result of typing too fast. People copied it and it became a slang word.
Do I need a new fire extinguisher?
No, you can't, unless you want to have it recharged. For home units, that's not a practical option. It's cheaper to buy a new one. The last thing you want to have happen is to need it again, grab it, and nothing comes out. Hope this helps.
Why does Forbes pretend Carlos Slim is the richest man in the world and then Bill Gates?
Carlos Slim is worth about $52 billion. The Rothschild family owns several banks, one of which in London alone makes $100 bil/year. They also own hotels, oil companies and tons of other stuff and it's no secret they are one of many trillionaires in the world. Why does Forbes pretend their list of show-off small-timers are the real rich people?
Should I sue my ex roommate for damages to my belongings?
I had moved out of my previous apartment because I could not see eye to eye with my roommate and had told management to move out. However, I had left some of my stuff in his apartment including my important doents like my pport, birthcertificate, driver's license. However his toilet clogged and ruined my stuff because it went under my bedroom door and it was on the door. I am considering suing him because I felt he should have reported this to management earlier but his excuse was that he is not responsible because he said I carelessly left my stuff on the floor and that the fact I went to management before speaking with him made him look like he was in a badlight and made it harder for him to report it on time.
Good websites to buy Torah/Talmud?
Been looking in stores and can't find anything even resembling it! Except from Kabbalah books. If any can reccomend any websites that sell them that be great, thanks
Our gun club is having some disagreements over NRA membership and the definition of firearms themselves?
It is simple, Your answer is, "You knew the rules of this institution when you joined it. Abide by them or go make a new organization with rules you are willing to abide by. Your choice but quit trying to change my club. Period Dot En d of Story." Then call a meeting and vote out those who do not want to abide by the rules.
Baseball trade offer?
Do it man. Those are two proven productive players, while Buster Posey just has a good half of a year under his belt, and Adam Jones is frequently injured. You would be getting two players who have proved there worth and have remained consistent. Especially if your league uses OBP, take the deal!
Am i too Young?
Okay im 21 years old...turning 22 soon but i know that doesnt matter. I have a steady job and and AA in Early Childhood Development. I have been accepted into the Bachelors of Arts Program to get my BA and MA in Liberal Studies to become a teacher. Cles would be 2x a week from 5pm-10pm. I am a teacher at an accredited infant care and it pays well, i only work 3days and the teachers there get a discounted rate. My Boyfriend of 6 years and I have lived together for 2 years and just moved into a 2bdroom apt. We both have medical Benifits and Work good but Flexible Hours. Our home is roomy. We have been talking about trying to concieve, but my parents are so against it. We are at a wonderful place in our relationship and lives and really want to marry and have a family, but everyone is telling us we are STILL too young. Is 21-23 Still too young to have kids?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Any advice on dealing with a credit card co (Amex)?
i just lost my job have some prospects but in mean time had anyone sucessfully got credit card companies to defer or at least lessen minimum payments during difficut times and what does it do to ur credit
Why do we willingly fall into the trap set by a troll, to engage in a tirade of verbal diarrhea , or are we...?
Most people aren't intelligent enough to recognize the truth when they see it. And that truth is Jesus Christ. Repent now, or face the alternative.
Ook so i really like this guy.........?
ok so i really like this guy Alot so much i think i love him and everybody says he likes me but he told me that wasn't true and he says that people say i like him and i tell him i dont like him and now at school everybody askes me every day have you asked him out yet are you guys going out yet but i am not aloud to have a boyfriend and he isn't aloud to have a girlfriend and he is such a goody tissue that i know he wouldnt go out with a girl behind his parents back but i don't know if i should at least tell him i like him because i had this really amazing dream about him that we were going out and we huged and held hands and kissed and i had never had a dream like that in my life so help tell me what to do!
PUH-LEASE HELP ? anyone good in history ? ):?
how did the feudal relationship (+ 100 years war) between france and england contribute to the french nationalism.
Whether I should send a Wedding Congrats card and or present?
Yes, it is a neighbour from hell - First you must go and get your ceramic pot. I'm sure there will be no argument since they did not technicallyy steal it. In any case, it's time to affirm yourself. Do it now. If you hesitate longer you will forever dislike yourself for being timid. That is YOUR ceramic pot. The rubbish left everywhere is in itself an excellent reason to complain to the flat owners or city hall who will act on it. Rubbish attracts vermin and bugs. Also, check for a noise clause in your lease. And why send these inconsiderate bums a present. What they need is a detailed explanation on how to behave like decent humans or better yet, an eviction notice.
It is getting harder and harder to find a sanctuary for one's self from the onslaught of the world.?
Do you agree with Henry David Thoreau? " I would rather sit on a pumpking and have it all to myself, that be crowded on a velvet cushion.? I just got back with my family from camping for five days at a KOA. The accomodations were great, but there were people everywhere. When I backpack it is far more primitive, but I have my spot all to myself.
GUYS ANSWER girls can too but it might not be as good advice.?
there is this guy. he has ased me out. but at the time i didnt like him. but alo at the same time he had a gf. he still likes me. like him now. but his gf one of my BESTFRiENDs goes wiff him. they kiss right in front of me. but still he likes me. i was instanlty depressed.. still am. i have dreams about him sometimes. OMMG whywould he do that.
How can I put my logo on my browser tab?
You need to design something called a favicon. It is a 16x16 pixel graphic that you need to name "favicon.ico" and place it in the root directory on your webserver.
How do I make money on runescape in 2011?
I have 80 mage and 71-74 str attack and def. Also got 4 mil to start out with. Done desert treasure, and a few other skills are 69 woodcutting and 65 fletching. What would be best for me to make money? Nothing tedious, i get bored easily ahha.
Anyone know how to convert a M4V file to AVI?
I have this video I bought from Itunes and I think its ridiculous that I can't even view it because they have the DRM protection on the file. Has anyone ever converted an M4V to AVI or know where I can without buying software?
What information goes on a birth certificate?
I was just wondering what information do they ask for when you are getting your baby's birth certificate? We live in Texas. Do they ask for the parent's name, age, race, birthplace? I dont know and i am just wondering? Or do they just take your id???
Travelling to Tel Aviv, Isreal and Lagos, Nigeria in May. Is it safe to travel to these places?
I am a 26 year old female from Alberta, Canada travelling to Isreal and Nigeria in May '08 to visit a friend. Are there any Vaccinations and health precautions that i need to take when i travel to these places and is it safe to travel to these places?
Why is black history month in February (winter) ?
Now don't jump down my throat im 1/2 black american. but to me id rather it be in the summer our culture is more of a BBQ picnic type of culture not slush and snow
Gardening potato plants?
tie your plans down with zip ties and then tie a rope around the zip tie and tie it to something like a pole that is nicely stuck in the ground so that no matter which way the wind blows the plant will not fall over. ( put the zip tie on the bulkiest and strongest part of the main stem but still try to aim for them middle of the plant. Then yes, replant the potatoes that are uprooted. Dig a little deeper than it would be ( to insure the dirt holding the plant upright until it re roots its elf around the pot.) and drop it in and you will be good.
Jalandhar Rocks?
last week i was in jalandhar.....listenin 2 radio mantra..i heard doom machale show r.j abhishek(i think so) .......the show was so inteseting....i love the songs....he played........keep it up guyz....u rock
Wat other players wud u like 2 see in the Premier league?
Lionel Messi, Kaka, David Villa, Xavi, Frank Ribery, Benzema, Dani Alves, Sergio Ramos, Carlos Puyol, Iniesta, Andrea Pirlo, Lucas Podolski, Frings, Ibrahimovich, Riqelme, Fabiano?
Picky are we, Whats your choice vegetable?
What's one to do when the nutrionist says "eat fruits and vegetables." Fruits, no problem, veggies, ummm, more of a problem. Spinach, yes, broccoli, sort of yes as I tended to overeat when first attempting to lose weight, now.... Let's just say call me Bugs, "What's up, doc?" and p the carrots. Can't get enough of them, cooked or raw. Add some beans and I'm go to go but please, please, please never offer a bear lima beans, ewwwwwwwww.
Pros and cons of popular baseball bat companies?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different baseball bat companies, such as Easton, Louisville slugger, Mizuno, Rawlings, Worth, DeMarini, etc? Which ones are better and why? Are there companies that make bats with better qualities than others, and if so, which ones? Thanks.
Enzymes help?
With enzymes, you can two types of non-competitive inhibitors: one where it is actually something inhibiting the enzyme or when the end product itself inhibits an enzyme. does anyone know, if the curdles in milk that are formed by the effect of rennin on the caesin in milk be a non-competitive inhibitor?
According to this definition...................?
I'm going to have to say being close minded is not wanting to give a thought or an ear to anything that is foreign to you or your ideas of belief. I agree with the definition you cited but it goes both ways. I do believe in God, Heaven, and I believe there is a Hell, although my descriptions of what I believe may be different than yours. Anyways I would think it is being close-minded if I did not give an ear to those mislead, I mean the atheists and hear what they have to say and consider that they have a right to their ridiculous I mean other opinion. Shutting out any idea is close-minded, whether you agree or not.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Which is the better console for me? (No Wii!..please) and loves to play Co-op?
The Xbox 360 has finally become a match for the PS3 with the new Xbox 360 Slim. I want to buy either the PS3 Slim or Xbox 360 Slim but am not quite sure which console would suit me better. Here's my taste in Video Games; I'm a big Co-op player. I absolutely love to play any co-op mode whether it be campaign or a wave survival type of mode....especially the survival modes. I enjoy a good single player story but not too lengthy. I am not big on competitive multiplayer but do find it quite fun such as call of duty's and halo. I heard that xbox was big on the whole social gaming thing, and I also heard that not many people use their microphones on PSN...which is a let down for me because I like to talk to people while I am playing a game. My favorite game on the Xbox 360 is the three newest Halo games (not halo wars...and I was never really a big Gears of War fan), and my favorite game on the PS3 is Uncharted 2, but I heard that there is a very small multiplayer community on that which disturbs me because I would love to play some survival mode with friends and strangers alike (just like Halo's Firefight mode). So according to my Co-op taste in games, what console should I buy? Oh and I also really love zombie games (Left 4 Dead), and heard that was going to come to PS3 sooner or later...
What are some bands...?
My Chemical Romance, The Used, Taking Back Sunday, Keane, Coldplay, The Killers, Smashing Pumpkins, Goodnight Nurse...
Experienced runners/feet people: Do I need new running shoes or do I need something else? Please Answer!?
You need new shoes. Athletic Shoes aren't meant to be worn over a year. They wear down. Also, to prevent blisters, it seems you need moisture whicking socks. Socks that are meant to keep your feet extra dry to prevent blisters.
Would an iTunes gift card be compatible with any other MP3 player?
Someone that I know has just gotten a Coby MP3 Video Player. The files that the player support are MP3 and WMA and the music service must support Windows Media DRM (WMDRM).
Which is the Best Brand of Microwave Oven available in India?
How many litres best suits for a 2 adult & 2 children family and also which type is best suits viz., grill type etc.,
Imagine if politicians were Pro Wrestlers/UFC Fighters, what would be their nicknames?
Democrats: Osama Da "Bomba", Joe Bidin' His Time, The tag team duo named Billary ( That one's just too good.) Republicans: John "Navy Plane: McCain, Para Sailin, Mitt "The Glove" Romney, Huck Finnaby (He keeps an evil corn cob pipe in his spandex.)
Who can make a story out of these phrases?
Do your own dang homework. You're bright enough to be able to use a computer and post a question here, you're bright enough to think up a couple pages. "Lazy" is not a skill that will get you very far.
Do i need sucktion to wear my upper dentures?
oki am getting all my teeth out wed 21st and my late dad gave me his new dentures beforehe died in hope of me using them. The bottoms i can almost put them on now with all my bottom teeth are broken but the uppers seem a little small anyway i was going to maybe make them fit by drumril tool. This is going to be imposible huh i cant afford 1600.00 for my own and really dont want to go around at work with no teeth oh well must deal. So am i dreaming or has anyonedonethis before?please help.
Why won't he accept my help?
I am a 20 year old college student dating a 20 year old Moroccan man... we are so in love and enjoy being around each other when we are allowed to, and he dotes on me and always offers to give me things, which is all fine and well, but when it comes to me offering to help him or give him something he refuses. Says he doesn't like people helping him or giving him things... We are supposed to get married soon (hopefully) and he has a big issue with what others think. We are getting married cause we love each other and everyone else thinks its so he can have a green card and that severely bothers him. (Does this mean he really loves me or cares to much bout others or what?) Basically why can't he accept help and why does he care so much bout others opinion? need more info let me know.
Love games, what you think of smash bros.?
Super smash bros IS the greatest game ever, rated E anyway, Ive been a serious gamer since i was 4 and killing pokemon on a gameboy colored, but i couldnt never stop playing smashbros for somereason, it was the first addiction of many i ever had. But if your looking for some more competive and tactical games Cod4 and Halo3 are at the tops of my list too.
What brand of ammo should i get?
Ok so i bought me a brand new para-ordinance 1911 in 9mm,bought like 3 boxes of federal fmj's and wouldn't you know the @#$ thing jams every 2nd shot,it doesn't like gold hollow points either, so i buy a box of s&b and it functions perfectly,is there any other brand that works well in that particular pistol?
The cutest arsenal photo?
a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01298/eduardo-vela_1298612c.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/mul…/a
My gf drives an 88 Pontiac Sunbird and whenever she tries to turn off the car the key gets stuck in "on"..help?
It will work if I turn it to start and push the switch in while I turn it off, but if the car is running, I don't want to turn it to start to be able to do that. Could it just be the tumblers are getting stuck or maybe cause it's -20 degrees outside? Please help
Question about my fourth chakra...?
I notice when I meditate, I can feel a lot of energy coming from my Anahata. Does this mean anything? I'm not sure if I've ever fully opened up all of my chakras before, so could this just mean that my Anahata is fully opened?
Ron Killings hurt?
At last night's Raw brand house show in Trenton, New Jersey, Ron Killings apparently hurt his shoulder working a match with Charlie Haas. The referee put up the X symbol and a stretcher was brought out for him. Killings managed to walk back on his own though.
Have the Suns mortgaged away their future on Shaq?
My condolences to all you Suns fan who had the pipe dream that the Suns would beat the Spurs. I was amazed that so many people actually thought the Suns had a chance to win this series. That being said, I believe the Suns have basically mortgaged away their future for at least two years because of the acquisition of Shaq. Sorry Suns fans, don't count on being among the elite teams in the West next year. Nash now looks tired and old and Amare can't carry this team by himself.
Prosthetic leg in mid 19th century?
Yes, they had peg legs back then, especially during the 1860's when so many soldiers in the Civil war were coming home with one leg.
Literary ysis for The Call of the Wild?
I need to finish an annotated bibliography of literary ysis about The Call of the Wild by Jack London. I can't seem to find anything on research sites and all my references say there is a lot of criticism.
In a buffer stock scheme what happens if there is always a good harvest.Where do they get the funds from?
to buy up stock.And conversely if there is always a bad harvest where do the government get the stock from in the first place?
Was Toms of Maine really bought out by Colgate?
Yes, it's true. I love J/A/S/O/N Powersmile. Kiss My Face does have toothpaste, and I believe Nature's Gate also makes toothpaste. I never liked Tom's anyway, so no big loss. :)
Modern Warfare 2: do not read if you don't want spoilers! Story question?
I don't know where Andy? gets his information but he is COMPLETELY wrong, this game and most of the call of dutys are awesome and there WILL be more to come, i have been playing the multiplayer more than anything so im not sure about your question but there will be another one of these games. I dont know how long but it might be a while because it will certainly be a hard game to top.
Was there another place of eternal abode besides heaven and hell? Because when Jesus was dead for 3 days it?
says he went to preach to the "spirits" in prision. Hell is not a prison, for in there is hope of release, and heaven is not prision. The spirits were alive, and were that of the old testament saints like Abraham, Noah etc. So, it logically follows that if God created this place besides heaven and hell, there is also a place scripture points out that you will not be released until the last farthinling (penny) Purgatory exists out of the mercy of God, because without it a person when he dies must be perfect and without any deflement (Rev.) and so then the only place for that person would be hell. But purgatory is a place of purification after one dies!!
Have you seeeen?!?!?!?
have you seen the advertisement fr tousle me softly in a magazine? and if you have can you please tell me where the violet ring from that advertisement is from...it just looks like a violet thanksss(:
Motorcycle license, How hard is it to get .?
I live in manitoba canada . I am Sixteen i have me License, and i was woundering how hard it is to get a Motorcycle license. Like how long do u haft to wait , after the writing test Ect ,
Porcelana fading cream is turning me pink helpp!!?
Well I had the cream to use on my skin discoloration from picking scabs on my face and wooo! Some are fading and some are turning redish pink?! This makes my skin look so clear :D but my forehead has two swollen under skin pimples and is really red ...?
Monday, August 8, 2011
I screwed up in school... I need help!! aiming for top UCs.. should I retake Algebra 2?
I would retake Alg 2. I was actually looking on the UC's website today and saw that D's and F's need to be retaken because they arent accepted. Good luck, I was looking at UCSD.
Is it true realty and real estate appraiser careers are going to be obsolete soon?
I can't imagine why, land and property needs someone to determine its value, buying and selling is not going to be ending any time soon
Which is worse? Phoenix suns fans who are whiners or fake cly suns fans pretending to be cly?
the Phoenix Suns defense is worse...They need to go to Barnes and Noble and pick up "An Idiots guide to playing Defense," and then they may have a chance to get into the Finals maybeeeee.
Can you see any symbolism in this?
hmm Possibly you are going through something, maybe like a hardship and something mysterious or unexpected is helping you out of it. Idk. I can't really picture it, I prefer face to face.
Where should i go for lunch today?
i have an hour lunch break from work but im sick of the same old stuff. there's an arby's, wendy's, panera bread, various pizza shops, heavenly ham (deli), subway, sheetz and i could always go to a grocery store.
Rawhide bone ruining appetite?
I agree raw hides are dangerous. I would only give them to small pups teething and small dogs SUPERVISED! Larger dogs have no trouble chewing pieces off & swallowing them. Free fed dogs often times become picky eaters. So it may have nothing to do with the rawhide. But if the dog acts out of the ordinary I would have a vet check it. Swollen abdomen, retching. Lethargic.
What do liberal Obama supporters think about the Civilian National Security Force?
Is it prophetic of the things to come, as Obama follows the lead of his predecessors such as Mussolini and Hitler? Saul Alinsky will be proud when the browshirts come knocking on the door of conservatives for "thought crimes."
I grew an artichoke plant this year, I'm wondering why the fruit is so small?
I live here in Albuquerque New Mexico, where the summers are hot and dry, which I've heard the plants don't like. They get plenty of water and where they're planted has good drainage. They don't seem to have a bug problem. (The bugs seem to like the tomato plant across the way.) Two of the four plants started flowering this year, which is suprising since we just planted them in April. Im concerned though because they fruit they have produced, are very small and they dont have very much meat on them. They are smaller then my fist and I have very small hands. They've already started to open. Is there anything that I can do to prevent this from happening next year? Does anyone even know why this is happening? I've given them so much love and water that it's confusing
What do think of my poem (Part 2)?
Good poem but it doesn't exactly rhymes. I write poems to if I'm mad at someone like my cousin, I wrote something bad that will unleashed my feelings.
Installing a amp and sub on car w/Bose?
I JUST bought a 2004 Nissan Armada/Pathfinder that has a Bose system (I Know). Is there any way I can hook up a amp with a sub to the stereo?? Isn't Bose difficult.
What is a good war movie?
is there any good modern war movies instead of the older ones like uncommon valor and the battle of gettysburg? kinda like the movie black hawk down and Jar head.
I built this model rocket...?
It is basically 2 BT-80 tubes. I am going to use a "E" engine and I was interested to know if the engine would produce enough ejection charge to eject the parachute based on the amount of space from the engine to the parachute. I am uming that the ejection charge builds the pressure which causes the parachute to eject. Please correct me if i'm wrong and help me so i don't have a rocket cause injury or damage.
What is the most catchiest song you've heard as of lately?
I quite like Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft's "Liebe auf den Ersten Blick": a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erawMYSs36U&fmt=18" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erawMYSs3…/a
What are some good country rock songs?
I love listening to country but I REALLY like listening to country when it has a rock edge to it. I like she's country, what was I thinkin, flat on the floor, kerosene, gunpowder and lead, I want songs like those to listen to that are country with a rock twist. I have seen questions like this and people said things like what hurts the most and such but personally I don't think that sounds like country rock. I like the music to be upbeat. Any suggestions?
What is the waiting period for Active Duty Army Enlistment?
I am going to be seeing a recruiter soon and start the process of enlisting in the Active Duty Army. I am just curious as to how long I will have to wait, until I can ship out to BCT. If I get the MOS that I want, and there is an open slot, can I go as soon as possible or does everyone have to wait a certain time? By the way, I want to become either a CAV Scout, or an MP.
What do you think of my story?
i love this, it's a brilliant summary and you should publish the book, i'd love to read it :P I love the title as well.
Where can I find my little brother?
I have a little brother, and I haven't seen him since I was 9 and and he was 2. I don't know if he knows I exist, but i want to find him. He lives with his mother, Marcia Mercer (or Marcia Writh). He also lives with his sister, Johnna, and brother, Brandon. Their last names are either Writh or Mercer. My brother's name is Kohl. His last name is either Wallace or Mercer. I think they live in Nebraska, but I'm not sure. if anyone can help me find them, or know how I can help them, please help! This is all the information I could find within my family. Thank you!!
How much weight can I lose?
Bonjour, so I want to ask a guy to homecoming, but I want ot be confident this year. (: so I weight 132 or so right now. I want to lose weight. So, how much weight if I do this: Jog for 30 minutes. (I'm going up to that, I'm currently jogging 4 minutes, walking 5, and I'm doing that for 30 minutes.) Play wii fit for an hour everyday, and do jumping jacks? Thanks!
Horrible experience today. What would you have done?
You still should have changed seats - even if he made a grab, you would have been right there & been able to prevent it. You should have then reported his behavior to the driver. If he refused to do anything about it - call the police & report the man for public intoxication. It would be good for your daughter to know that she does have some recourse should this type of thing happen in the future.
Boyfriend...or rather a lack of?
Never downgrade yourself or your tastes in the arts/activities. Critics are jealous and want to lower you to their pathetic level. Be yourself and good things will come with time...patience is the key to finding and maintaining a solid, beneficial relationship.
Is it possiblIe for female noses to grow or change with age?
I know this is a silly question and it relates to Pinnocchio, but I've noticed with some celebrities like Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and even Angelina Jolie has noses that appear as if they were changed with age. They look the same, but bigger. I know something like that can happen to men who drink too much. They can develop a bulbous like nose, but what about women. Is it possible that their nose can "droop" or get elongated. I'm worried that mine might be like that and I I'm only in my early twenties and I do not want to think about plastic surgery now.
Another cheque in october regarding HST?
I have been told that the government in BC is sending out another cheque in october, I am not talking about GST cheques, as i already got that, but apparently they are sending another one? something to do with HST now... is this true and if so has anyone got one? and why? what are they trying to bribe us to do now?
My washing machine won't work?
I was washing a quilt and a few cloths, not enough to overload it, it turned on and ran for a while then quit, I went to take the cloths out and felt they were still damp and saw that the dial was stopped just before the rinse cycle, I pulled the nob out to turn it back on and nothing, I tried starting the cycle over again and nothing, the plug is all the way in and I checked the circut breaker and it is fine, what could be wrong with the washer?
What would cause a SAR to be started on you under BSA? How to avoid?
Financial Institutions, Casinos, and certain other agencies are required to file SARs and CTRs under BSA. An individual would never be required to file such a form. As far as getting around it...well if you want to go to a Max security under a FEDERAL sentence, try to find out. This isn't a "little" crime. This is a huge deal. No sh*t.
What is the meaning of this paragraph?
Mary �r du aktiv p� facebook? jag har precis b�rjat - det �r kul. T�nkte g�ra ett f�rs�k att f� med de andra tjejerna s� vi kan h�lla lite b�ttre kontakt.
Hi, I'm a french student, can you inform me about Scotland?
That's a bit much to ask...very general. If you try asking specific questions, you might have more luck.
Which one of these is the most beautiful actress in bollywood?
Dear friend, It is difficult to answer your question? Most "Beautiful" Actress ! Aishwarya Rai is the most beautiful lady but the best actress is Karina Kappor!
Is Seether making fun of AFI in their video "Fake It"??
I hope they are, because AFI are a bunch of sellouts, and they ARE posers and fakers. Although I am not a fan of either band, I hate sellouts, therefore I hate AFI.
Teacher-student emotional attachment problem?
Your an adult, appreciate it for what it is but it sounds like you might be worried that it's a little too close now that you don't need him so much, just ease back a little bit, but always be honest with yourself and your friend
My girlfriend has been upset recently...?
honestly, just leave her alone. obv shes going through ****, but thats no excuse to be pissy. dont spoil her by constantly trying to cheer her up
Do the australian troops have a motto like the american "semper fi"?
The Australian SASR's motto is "Who dares wins", same as the normal SAS' motto but Australian troops are better trained
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Serious question- is 5'5" and 107 lb fat? or chubby?
I always thought I was thin, possibly too thin, but a ton of stuff came up on an anonymous message board about how fat I am and how I should diet. I'm pretty dubious about this being true, since according to BMI I'm underweight, but the model from Ralph Lauren who was fired for being too fat was 5'10" and 120 lb--thinner than me by BMI! So I really don't know what to do. And no, I do not want to be "average" , I want to be thin. And if this isn't thin, I will lose weight. But of course, I wouldn't want to be dangerously thin, to the point of losing my hair or any curves.
NYPD Convoys?
I've recently returned from holiday to New York City and on two seperate occasions saw around thirty or forty police cars with there lights flashing and sirens on in a convoy. I think this was on C.Park West and somewhere round Battery Park. Why the hell do they do this???
A wee poser for the old firm match???
as im going oot the country on tuesday for a weeks sojourn,i am left with a dilemna.should i give my season ticket to a hoops fan to watch the slaughter of the pensioners or should i give my ticket to a gers fan and enjoy him greeting into his giro.as my ticket is of a decent quality,he will be quite safe from harm.what should i do
What do you think about these boots for riding boots?
sooooooooo I honestly have no idea and I don't want to get in the middle of this but those pictures don't really prove anything. the horses you listed are mostly too old to be racing competitively and none of their descriptions fit the horses in your pictures. and the pictures just prove that you and your sister can canter in a field somewhere in boots that no one can safely ride in, saddles and other tack that no one would use for horses being trained to race, with your stirrups too long to properly ride a racehorse, and without chaps or breeches. yeah.
Why did king louis xvi convert the estate general?
When Louis XVI gained power in 1774, France was heavily in debt due to many of their previous wars in Europe. Louis XVI at first supported radical financial reforms that increased taxes on the nobles. The nobles of course, didn't like it and they continually insisted that the King didn't have the power to levy new taxes. The king then changed his mind and sided with the nobles, dismissing the proponents of those reforms. In 1776, Jacques Necker replaced one of these proponents. Necker wanted support for the American Revolution and proceeded with a policy of taking out large international loans instead of raising taxes. When this policy failed miserably, Louis dismissed him, and replaced him in 1783 with Charles Alexandre de Calonne, who increased public spending to 'buy' the country's way out of debt. Again this failed, so Louis convoked the embly of Notables in 1787 to discuss a revolutionary new fiscal reform proposed by Calonne. When the nobles were told the extent of the debt, they were shocked into rejecting the plan. This negative turn of events signaled to Louis that he had lost the ability to rule as an absolute monarch. As power drifted from him, there were increasingly loud calls for him to convoke the Estates-General, and in May 1789 he did so, summoning it for the first time since 1614 in a last-ditch attempt to get new monetary reforms approved. The Estates-General was an embly of representatives from almost all sectors of French society. The Estates-General didn't meet for so long because most of its members (97%) belonged to the the Third Estate which was composed of commoners. The First and Second Estate (clergy and nobles) only made up a combined 3% of the Estates-General. Thus, the higher-ups in French society at that time feared that conveying the Estates-General would result in empowering the commoners. But the dire economic conditions during Louis XVI's reign, the failure of officials to lift up the economy, and the belief that Louis XVI was losing power as a monarch was enough to convince him to convene the Estates-General.
Getting a new car any ideas?
Im 18 years old and i drive a mini van right now a hand me down family car but im going to college next year to north carolina and i live in maryland so im getting my own car so that i can travel back and forth on my own. i dont know anything about cars or names or anything but im looking for something thats roomy on the inside but not huge on the outside like a small suv or something and something with decent or pretty good mileage can anyone give me some ideas it would be a lot of help thank you!
I want to start selling nyx products online?
where can I buy nyx products on wholesale price? how do i buy whole sale nyx products on nyx site? help please? thanks!
My pokemon hg team ..NEED 6th MEMBER!?
I suggest a rock or ground type pokemon. Preferably steelix if you can trade. If you can't then donphan can do as well. This will really help you when you face red in the end and his level 88 pikachu so you can wall it and get an easy kill.
Help with Discus fish?
My tank is 5 years old and I have three large anglefish, two small appisto cichlids, lots of tetras, and a two small gouramis. It is a 50 gallon freshwater tank. I have lost of driftwood, and it is heavily planted. I cannot keep Discus and I do not know why. One year ago I bought a pair of small turquoise Discus, but they both mysteriously died after 4 months. I recently bought another one (I decided to buy one and then introduce a second one a few weeks later if it lived because they are very expensive) and it also died. My ph is 6.4. Hardness is 20ppm (very soft.) Alkalinity is low, nitrates are 5ppm or less depending on when I make water changes, and I have never had any nitrite levels. I keep the temperature warm at 86 degrees, and I keep peat in my canister filter so the water is very soft, the driftwood also helps it stay like this. I feed them live and frozen bloodworms, flakes, pellets, and romaine lettuce. Please help.
Possible diagnoses please!! (liver disease?)?
My Father (54) has been ill for about 2 and a half weeks, here are the symptoms; rapid wight loss, blood in urine (smokey brown color); loss of appetite; fatigue. he has had some blood and urine tests but, they came back inconclusive. They told him that his liver enzymes were 10 times the normal limit (2000 instead of 200). He will be given an appointment with a specialist next week (they didn't say what kind of specialist), but i would just like to have a better idea of what could be wrong. I have done a bit of searching on the internet and the most likely thing i could find, is some sort of liver disease. Obviously you would need to have more details, but could anyone provide me with possible diagnoses for the above symptoms?
Les Paul Guitar Question!?
not really, it's a piece of Chinese m produced garbage with the Gibson name on it, Fender does that too, it's a marketing ploy, so no it's not a Gibson. real Gibson guitars are built in Nashville Tennessee not China.
Acoustic Guitar Players...HELP!!?
i just got a new acoustic guitar and after learning the basic basics i still dont get how to play chords i found online. for example what's this(as in on what fret holding on what string and playing which strings in what order...etc.)-> e|5-6p5-5\3-3\1-------------------------… from (http://www.azchords.com/n/natashabedingfield-25990/unwritten-230749.html) . plus what are some famous ppl guitar players just have to know and wat's lyk the most famous guitr player at the moment? btw what are some good teaching websites? lyk i syd im a beginners so thanx for the help!
Hi.I am in B.Com 2nd yr student.. seeking help 4m u all...?
Hi 2 all.. I am in B.Com Commerce 3rd year..just few days left 2 complete my graduation.I am doing graduation by correspondence through madras university.. I have also studied software courses like java,.net, html and database like ms access and sql server from APTECH. Can anyone tell me which course can i do further or what is best for me in future to get a good job..
Left work early, pissed off and upset.?
If you plan on going back, you're going to have to smooth things out with Wendy. There's no way for you to know yet whether she is an underhanded sneak who is going to keep pulling crap like this or whether she's just an airhead. Ifyou want to keep the job, you need to go in and sit down with her and say "Look, I wasn't feeling well yesterday and I think we had a misunderstanding. For some reason I have nothing in my notes about NDAs, so can we start over on that?" See how she reacts to that. It might be that you decide that you have to quit the job, and if she turns out to be a nastypants then it would be better if you didn't work there. But give it at least one more chance before you throw in the towel.
Chase Utley returning soon?
There is no timetable for his return. He'll probably have a rehab ignment sometime this month but he's not coming back until June or later
Friends? How to deal when they act four years old?
Get them to be more mature but sometimes people just don't mature as quickly as you do so find new friends.
One year anniversary gift for boyfriend?
I am 18, and my boyfriend is 19. I don't know what to get him, or what to do on that day. i don't want anything thats like.. making me looked obsessed. but something kind of meaningful too. hes more of a homebody and likes video games, but i dunno, im open to all ideas!! Thanks!
Can you get an STD from ?
She's probably telling you the truth but if you don't believe her, you should both go to the gynocoligist. And I've heard from some guy friends that hurts for the first time and they dont get turned on .
Whether masturbation lead to impoence?
not at all. there is no connection between masturbation and impotency. consult a ologist who will give you proper advice with harmone injection
Why did the mirror fade away?
we've moved house and had to go through some old bits and pieces in rooms we never used - something odd, a couple of mirrors that looked very strange. The reflective 'mirror' part had all but disappeared, and looked like little pools of reflective surface, but the rest was just gl. The second one was even worse, with flecks of mirror and the rest was just gl. What happened to the mirrors?
Will my Kenwood 1000W 2 Channel amp be able to handle bridging at 2 ohms?
It is the KAC- 7205 model and I am just worried as the last technician I spoke to said that overloading this amp would be easy and would completely ruin the amp. I currently have a kenwood 350W amp bridged to 2 ohms yet I really don't want to blow my amp... So would I be ok?
Can anyone please suggest some books?
"The Last Lecture" is a very popular "inspirational" novel. It's the book form of a professor's speech shortly before he died of a terminal illness.
General Hospital Storylines you want to see...?
I would love to see Spinelli and Sam team up as private investigaters. And wouldn't it be great to give Olivia a better storyline, maybe as a love interest for Mac. Wouldn't that make Sonny mad.
Perceiving music as a musician?
I enjoy doin what you do by izing the seperate pieces, but i also love yzing the entire piece. A flute is just one part of the ensemble, and if you put the entire ensemble together than it creates an entirely new thing to perceive and yze. When you're writing music, you have to yze what each instrument does in order to discover what the ensemble will do as a whole. it's important to yze each individual instrument, and that leads to a focus on the whole. hope that didn't confuse you too much. lol
I need advice about speedos.?
Ok, so this year for summer I bought a speedo. The square leg speedo not the polo. Should I shave my legs? Or should I just shave my thighs?
Does he still have feelings for me or should i move on?
Wow, move on, this is too much of a game and it isn't worth it. If you can sit for 8 hours and not talk to him then you dont need him. I think you would be happier with someone that doesn't play these childish games.
Is my dog injured, or infected?
I have a 13-year old, Husky mix, not neutered, male dog. He limps on his hind legs and does not move his tail. Moving his tail causes a lot of pain, enough to keep him immobile for long periods of time. He refuses to eat, but continues to drink water. I have also not witness him make any bowel movement, but he does urinate. The vet told me he might have what's called cauda equina syndrome. The vet also mentioned a possible infection. A week before I notice my dog's failing condition, I caught him drinking a puddle of rainwater that fell from the roof. The roof was recently replaced. So have you ever experience this with your dog?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
People keep telling me that I am slow.?
I am male and 17 and people keep telling me that I am slow. I don't think I am slow I am just lazy, I am not over weight I am infact incredibly skinny. I for some reason can't think fast enougf or anything. I have horrable concentration I always get thigs stuck in my head such as music or scenes od movies. My parents say I have Aspurgers but I don't know. I am told that my reflexes are terrible and that I am slow. I was wondering does me being slo have to do with my arm strenght? because I cant cach a ball or try to quickly grab something that fast. I was wondering how can I be faster?
Shadow People?
Ok, so this all started back in 2006. One day I was on my parents computer and I walked out of their room, and looked down the hallway. I saw a person who looked dark and shadowy. I told it that I would leave the computer on. I came back out of the hallway and no one was there. The next week a beloved teacher left and my favorite swim coach left. For the next couple of weeks I saw it. Finally it disapeered. Ever since I have seen blurry like object out of the corner of my eye, typically at the end of my hallway. During the fall/winter of 2007 I became very despressed, and was worrying about my mental state. I would lay awake at night and become very scared. Finally the depression ped and I haven't seen one of these "shadows" in quite some time. I will see blurs out of the corner of my eye from time to time, but I think it's my imagination. Do you think my house was haunted?
How to get rid of varicose veins?
I don't believe there is a product out there that really works..but I know you can get injections that make them go away..don't know if they are gone for good and you have to get them regularly or just the one time..but injections work for sure...relative of mine had it done, completely gone but again thats all i know not sure if its something she had to get done on a regular basis or just the one time. Ask your mom cause if she has insurance I think it can be covered so you dont have to pay..not totally sure on that either but cant hurt to ask.
Do I meet the RAF eyesight requirements for WSO?
The reason you probably didn't get any answers is that none can be given apart from the answer you don't want. Your question is complicated, why doesn't going to the AFCO help? They are the only that know the limits, why are people on here so scared of going to the AFCO? Even if someone did come on here and say 'Yeah mate that's fine.' You would end up going to the AFCO anyway, and if someone said 'No chance mate' would you really believe them. That's why so many of us on here say go to the AFCO. They themselves behind the desk probably won't know the limits but they will send you for an eye test they will.
Are you paranoid?
I'm ttly paranoid. i have to check behind my shoulders every few seconds, lok in rooms when i p... i even check behind the shower curtain when i go into the bathroom!! i'm ttly scared someone will jump out at me!! so do you have little quirky things that you do like that? share on!!
My ex has her arraignment tomorrow...?
% mins. total before the judge. Shell get a new court date after she plees. ther won't be jail yet. She won't have to pay anything tomorrow. 487-a =grand theft
The Locusts John saw in Revelation, could they possibly be helicopters and the faces of men in the pit?
The Stings in their tails, could it be some type of missiles firing from behind the planes? Go to www.endtime.com and listen to profound prophecies that are taking place.
Audition help!?!?
I'm a 15 girl from London. I do community theatre & grab every acting opportunity that comes my way, but have real trouble finding auditions & agents around me. Apart from the stage, PCR, Mandy & the like how can i find auditions? Perhaps act in one of a film students short films.
Do push up's increase ur bench press?
Your chest will get pumped but that is called sarcoplasm. and this type of hyeprtrophy is known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy as opposed to myofibrillar hypertrophy. This means that the non-contractile protein of the muscle is being filled with blood and other stuff ,but the contractile proteins and fibers are not gaining the ability to generate more tension which basically means you are getting pumped and increasing you muscular endurance but doing almost nothing for maximum strength as well as explosive strength. SO with that being said , no they don't but the fact that you are training both max strength as well as muscular endurance means that you have both qulities down pat and I don't know why youa re even asking this becasue at a 405 Bench press you are leaps and bounds above most people I know. If you wnat explosive chest strength work on clap pushyups , power overs and pushing up to raised paltforms to gauge power output and also so if you can't reach the platform than you should end the set. Ste high enough you are barely getting 5-8 reps. For explosive pull-up power master the muscle-up ona pull-up bar. Also set a ladder on an incline and get creative.As for only being strong in the wieght room, when you reach a certain number such as a 405 bench I imagine you ahve plenty of carry over. Just work the othe lifts equally as hard and throw in some conditioning that blends strength aspects like sled dragging, and sledgehammer training. Also rope climbing and such. Heavy bags are great conditioners as well. Peace and love be with you.
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