Friday, August 12, 2011

Would Kim Jong Il meet any Egypt-style protests with wholesale slaughter?

If North Korean citizens were to organize in protest against their dictator in the same way that the Egyptians have done, do you think Kim would show restraint in dealing with them, or unleash the military in wholesale slaughter of the protesters (including dropping bombs), in order to make an example of them? My guess is the latter. If that evil regime goes so far as to "re-educate" any dissenters, it wouldn't surprise me if they would meet any extreme defiance with murder. If you believe the same, do you think it's possible that such a thing has already happened and not been made known to the international media? North Korea is the most closed-off, secretive nation on the planet, and it wouldn't shock me if such an incident has happened, at least on a small scale, and been hushed up. Kim has all that military power and has no respect for the citizens of his country.

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